Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Prompt # 67 - Priorities

Prompt # 67 - Priorities

My first priority is work. My work is writing. Creative writing. My project this last year has been writing a novel. The Rocking Girl. I consider it literary fiction although it is also quite accessible (IMHO). I make my work a priority by keeping to a work schedule and putting work before socializing or recreation. So my goal for 2015 is to self-publish The Rocking Girl on Amazon. I am apprehensive. About the technical challenge of uploading. About the emotional challenge of “putting it out there” where it (and thus, me) is vulnerable.

I wanted to write the kind of book I like to read. With a female protagonist, Wyn McBride. Set in British Columbia, Canada. Incorporating art, poetry, music, history, geology, genealogy. It involves a quest--a search for self, for belonging, for home. It aims to be positive, uplifting, enlightening. Like my former writer hero said, it is a story without villains, where the conflict is internal and inter-personal. It involves “deep travel”, a return to the ancestral home in Ireland, where the most important aspect of the journey is what the traveller learns about herself. 

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