I didn't
succeed in my attempt to make lava cakes, but the rejects, crumbled,
with cherry pie filling and whipped cream, made a tasty Valentine
grandmothers and great grandparents didn't stay in England, which
enabled me to be born and raised a proud Canadian.
I didn't
stay with Interior Design my first year university. However, starting
in ID got me to the big city, Winnipeg, and the University of
Manitoba, and I still love houses, art, landscaping. I didn't get
engaged to my first boyfriend. A world awaited. I didn't stay at
university after 4th year when I wanted to. I left to
start work. I went back after I had saved enough. I didn't go back to
teaching high school after doing my Masters. However, I used teacher
training in every other job I had, from bookstore clerk to social
caseworker to corrections worker to freelance writer. I didn't leave
my first marriage when I should have. I stayed for seven years too
long, but It did get me to the North and to Ireland and through the
difficult first adult years. I
married my second husband after all his ex's warned me off. I learned
to be a better listener. I
didn't accept my last marriage proposal because I believed it was
best for the guy I loved. I
miss him, but he's better off, and I know marriage is not meant for
with Julie on this. I don't believe we make wrong decisions, just
decisions which are leading us to experiences and/or revelations we
need at the time.